AW Broadband Internet, TV, Phone

Know the Facts

We are investing in your town to bring you the lastest in digital technology including internet, television and telephone services.

AW Broadband provides the best service in your community
AW Broadband provides the best service in your community

Know the Facts

We are investing in your town to bring you the lastest in digital technology including internet, television and telephone services.

No Contracts required

NO Contracts

We are an Internet Service, Television, and Telephone provider. We built and own our network. We don’t resell corporate services.
There aren't any hidden fees with AW.

NO Hidden Fees

If you’ve ever been a Dish Subscriber, then you’ll know exactly what we are talking about. There aren’t any hidden fees with AW.
AW Broadband is locally owned


We are an Internet Service, Television, and Telephone provider. We built and own our network. We don’t resell corporate services.
AW Broadband does not throttle speeds

NO Data Caps

With Dish you can “use too much” internet. Speeds slow down and in many cases, users get charged more. That’s not our style.
Full Speed Ahead

Full Internet Speeds

Dish typically only offers 25 Mbps download speeds, but they don’t actually provide that much. Get what you pay for with AW.
AW Broadband won't lose service during incumbent weather


One major pitfall with Dish Network is that it doesn’t like to work when storms are passing through; sometimes, even if it’s cloudy.
We’re staying put to move you forward.

How can we help?

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