How to Reset a Router

Messing with your router and modem can be a pain when you can’t seem to get a good connection to the internet and need to restart or reset your router. There can be a multitude of problems with your router, so you’ll need to know a few basics to be able to diagnose the issue. If web pages aren’t loading as they should, or you’re experiencing freezing during the movie you are streaming, these could be indicators of a network that needs a reset. A reset to a router is like a little rest period. While it is turned off and undergoing the reset process, it takes a break from running all the time and has its memory revamped.

You first need to know if your router requires a reset or a reboot. It is crucial to know the difference. Once you’ve ensured it is a reset that your router needs, you can begin the following steps. First, unplug both the router and the modem from power to give them a break. Additional network hardware, such as network switches, should also be unplugged at this moment. Devices that are not managed can be left alone unless you suspect they are a part of the issue. Also, remember to avoid pressing buttons labeled “restart” or “reset,” as they will restore the device to its original factory settings.

After you have unplugged the devices, wait for at least 30 seconds before replugging. This time is spent by the router cooling down and basically gathering its wits about it. It will also communicate to your Internet service provider and all your internet-connected devices that you are offline. If you already know the problem you are facing, you may be able to skip this step of the troubleshooting process. The next thing to do is plug in your modem and wait for it to light up. If it doesn’t light up by itself after a few seconds, press the power button.

Once you’ve waited a full minute, you can plug your router back into power. Press the power button if needed, and wait for another two minutes. This allows your internet-connected devices to recover the private IP address. After you’ve completed these steps, run a test to ensure the problem has been resolved. While it isn’t necessary to restart your internet-connected devices, it might be necessary if some devices connect and others do not.

If resetting your devices did not solve the issue, a restart could be necessary. Resetting a router is fundamentally different from restarting or rebooting it. The previous instructions will shut down and turn your system back on again and will retain its settings. Completely restarting it will reset it back to its factory settings. Rebooting will remove any configurations you may have made to your network yourself.

Be very careful when navigating your router. The last thing you want is to lose all the settings you have set up and designed for your needs. Typically, resetting your router to factory defaults is done using the button located on the back, which is indicative of this.

If you still can’t figure out what is wrong with your router, click here to read about how to troubleshoot your router.

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